MATLAB: Variable not updating with each iteration


I have many different equations with variables and coefficients running through a for loop and at the end, are sorted into [A] [b] and [x] matrices which are used to perform matrix math to solve for unknown x's before the loop starts over. [A] consists of the coefficients, [b] consists of numbers changing with the increase of each time step, and [x] consists of variables that are supposed to be updating. The problem is that the [x] variables aren't updating, it just gives me the original x's each time. What am I doing wrong? I would post the code here but it is pretty lengthy.

Best Answer

zephyr21 - the function signature for gmresSolver is
function [ x, error_norm, iter, flag ] = gmresSolver ( A, x, b, M, restart, max_it, tol, n )
which returns four output parameters including x. Your code calls this function (from within SinglePhase2) as
and so the output from this function is being ignored. I suspect that you want to do something more like
[x,error_norm,iter,flag] = gmresSolver(A,x,b,.0001,10,I*J,0.0000001,K);
which will then update your x.
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