compileddeployMATLAB Compiler

I would like to know the exact purpose of the variable MCR_CACHE_SIZE? My compiled app is around 40 Mb. I have read that the default MCR_CACHE_SIZE is 32 Mb. Does this mean that I need to set the MCR_CACHE_SIZE to a greater value to avoid issues during execution? If I need to increase the cache size, what is the syntax? set MCR_CACHE_SIZE="64Mb"?
Thx in advance,
Luc Masset

Best Answer

Hello Deepak,
Thank you for your answer. Eventually I set the variable MCR_CACHE_SIZE to 64 Mb in the command file used to launch the executable (set MCR_CACHE_SIZE=67108864). However I have also tested a value of 2 (2 bytes) and it does not seem to change anything.