MATLAB: Value of checkboxes in uitable


Hello everyone !
I created a uitable with guide. I created 2 columns : the first one with numbers and the second one with checkboxes.
I would like a function to run when checkboxes are checked, and another function to run when checkboxes are unchecked.
My problem is that I don't know how I can retrieve the value (0 or 1) of my checkboxes.
Can someone help me ?

Best Answer

You can add a CellEditCallback function to the UITable that is evoked every time a cell in the UITable is edited. The 2nd input to this callback function contains the "Indices" field that shows you which indices of the table were just changed.
The first thing you can do in the callback function is to determine if the changed indices were a checkbox. If no, return and end the callback execution. If yes, run your function.
Feel free to follow up with any questions etc.