MATLAB: Utilizing Matlab for 2 “for loop” calculation

for loopMATLAButilize

I have two for loops, in which I am calculating my functions. I call many function inside of it and results of those functions are 2×2 matrices. Ex:
for m = 1:100
for n = 1:500
func1Result = func1(m,n,...); % Result is a 2x2 matrix
func2Result = func2(m,n,funct1Result..); %Result is a 2x2 matrix
Result1 = funcxResult1*funcxResult2*...;
However, the code is not efficient as I have 2 for loops. I want to utilize Matlab's linear operation advantage. However, I could not come up a solution about it. How can I do that so that I can fasten my computation?

Best Answer

I found a way to do it. I spent most of the time to calculate bessel functions which are inside of my func1,func2 etc.My code runs for 5 min. But, if I calculate all bessel function and assign it to a matrix, then my code runs 45 sec. I use again 2 for loops. But, calculation is now faster.