MATLAB: Using wireless sensor networks for energy aware homes in smart grids.

energy aware homessendit2mesensor networkssmart gridswireless networkswireless sensor networkwsn

My project is based on the title mentioned above.
I need some guide from you in order to start my project.
If possible some codes based on wireless sensor networks for energy management or any other related codes…
An abstract of the project is given below.
"Smart grids aim to integrate recent advances in communications and information technologies to renovate the existing power grid. In smart grids, consumers can generate energy and sell it to the utilities. Moreover, they can avoid consumption during peak hours which helps reducing the peak load on the grid. Energy-aware homes can aid consumers to manage their demand and supply profile. In this paper, we propose Appliance Coordination with Feed In (ACORD-FI) scheme for such energy-aware smart homes. We show that ACORD-FI decreases the cost of energy consumption of home appliances, significantly.''
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Best Answer

Do you have a specific idea in mind.
Please look at the following papers and then decide upon your use case and code accordingly.
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