MATLAB: Using Webcam in GUI to view the image,capture image,save image and acquisition


I already build my file.fig at GUI: …my problem is the view from the webcam actually display outside the axes box… can anyone solve my problem??.. i also having difficulty to find source code for capture image,save and doing acquisition….

Best Answer

See this function from my webcam app:
% Turn on the live video preview. Display the bounding box over it if there is one selected.
function TurnOnLiveVideo(handles)
global vidobj; % Video camera object.
% Bail out if there is no video object class instantiated.
if isempty(vidobj), return, end;
% Switch the current graphic axes to handles.axesImage.
% This is where we want the video to go.
% Reset image magnification. Required if you ever displayed an image
% in the axes that was not the same size as your webcam image.
hold off;
axis auto;
% Get the handle to the image in the axes.
hImage = findobj(handles.axesImage, 'Type', 'image');
% Turn on the live video.
preview(vidobj, hImage);
First display something in the axes, for example a splash image or logo, so that this function has an image in the axes to get the handle of.