MATLAB: Using variables from other callbacks

app designercallbackssetappdatavariables

I'm having issues with calling variables set in my SelectBatteryDataFilesButton callback from my PlotButtonPushed callback. The code is meant to take the data read in and store it in values of X and Y, then plot it once the push button is pressed. Any idea what may be causing the issue? I'm new to app designer and I'm not sure if the set/getappdata is being used correctly.

Best Answer

You dont have to use setappdata, getappdata in app designer.
You can store the values that you want to be available in your app as public or private properties.
You need to add the properties to your app in the GUI before you use them.
These can then be accessed in your function as follows.
function somefunction(app)
app.Propertyname = 12;
function someotherfunction(app)