MATLAB: Using UNC path with Matlab/Simulink before R2009a


Hello everyone,
I have to remove all my folders and my models from a "normal" path (I:) to an UNC path (\\mypath\myfolder).
Here is the problem because I have models working with releases before the R2009a like 2007 or before.
Matlab/Simulink seems to be unable working with this king of path and build an error : "DOS commands may not be executed when the current directory is a UNC pathname"
I have seen on MatWorks some different subject like this being aswer by
"To work around this limitation, change the folder to a mapped drive before running dos or a function that calls dos."
But my aim is to make free my I: because all the other letters are already full. ^^
I may wrong interpreted this answer because I am not a network expert but for now I don't know how to bypass this problem to build my model for release before 2009a.
Thank ou for your answer!

Best Answer

If your computer uses all drive letters already, it is polluted and messed up. If you really want to work in such a strange environment, such problems are expected.
The message "DOS commands may not be executed" sound more like a warning than an error. Are you sure, that this is an error message?
Did you try to set the corresponding registry value already?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
REG_DWORD DisableUNCCheck: 1
It is easy to let batch files run in an UNC path:
pushd \\server\folder
... your batch
What a pitty, that old Matlab versions do not consider this.