MATLAB: Using the value of the next step in a FOR loop over a vector

for loopMATLABnext stepsteps;

Hi everybody,
is it possible to use in a for loop over a vector the value of the next step?
e.g. if got a vector like this:
h_x=[0 0 0 -2 -15 -100 -50 50 0 0 0 0]
and a loop using the vector
for test=h_x
if test==0
if test-1 ==0
a=test %when the value of the step before was 0, it should just use the value of the current step without any operations into a new Vector 'a'
if test+1 ==0
a=test %when the value of the step after is 0, it should just use the value of the current step without any operations into a new Vector 'a'
a=h_x+(10*(test+1))+(10*(test-1)) %Here the current value and 10 times the value of the vector step befor and after should be put into the new vector 'a'
This should result in a vector a like this:
a=[0 0 0 -2 (-15+(10*-2)+(10*-100)) (-100+(10*-15)+(10*-50)) (-50+(10*-100)+(10*50)) 50 0 0 0 0]
a=[0 0 0 -2 -1035 -750 -550 50 0 0 0 0]
Does anyone has a hint for me how to include the next steps of the for loop into the formula?
Thank you in advance and very best

Best Answer

"Does anyone has a hint for me how to include the next steps of the for loop into the formula?"
In MATLAB it is much better to loop over indices, rather than looping over data values. Then your task is easy:
h_x = [0,0,0,-2,-15,-100,-50,50,0,0,0,0];
a = h_x; % preallocate
for k = 2:numel(h_x)-1 % loop over indices!
v = h_x(k-1:k+1); % sub-vector
if all(v([1,3])) % non-zero

a(k) = v*[10;1;10];
>> out
out =
0 0 0 -2 -1035 -750 -550 50 0 0 0
Or you could avoid the loop entirely:
>> x = [0,h_x(1:end-1)];
>> y = [h_x(2:end),0];
>> z = x&y; % non-zero
>> a = [10,1,10]*[x.*z;h_x;y.*z]
a =
0 0 0 -2 -1035 -750 -550 50 0 0 0