MATLAB: Using the text from the excel data imported

importing excel dataMATLAB

I imported an Excel file with text. I named this data data_with_text. When I use
>> word1=data_with_text(1,1)
I get:
word1 = 'ABC'
Ideally I could run something like this using word1:
>> if word1=='ABC'
However, this does not work and I get this error,
Undefined function 'eq' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
which I presume comes from the apostrophes because word1='ABC' and not plain ABC without the apostophes
Is there any way around this?

Best Answer

It's a cell. Try converting it to a character string:
word1 = char(data_with_text(1,1))
Or maybe you could do it this way too:
word1=data_with_text{1,1} % {} mean "contents of the cell"