MATLAB: Using the ‘Radar Waveform Analyzer’ in phased array toolbox how to specify the own phased-coded pulse

MATLABPhased Array System Toolboxradar waveform analyzer

Using the 'Radar Waveform Analyzer' in phased array toolbox how do I specify my own phased-coded pulse? A Barker coded pulse is provided as an example, but I have another phase code of my own I would like to use with the GUI provided by the MatLab toolbox.

Best Answer

The Radar Waveform Analyzer does not take custom waveform at this point. However, all the analysis can be done using tools in Phased Array System Toolbox. One thing you can do is to analyze a supported phase coded waveform in the analyzer and then generate MATLAB code from it. Once you have MATLAB code, you can replace the signal in the script with your own custom waveform. Then you get the result for your waveform.
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