MATLAB: Using the disp command to print an answer in a particular format


I am a student at a university taking a computational methods class. We were assigned to write an equation to display the first sixteen Fibonacci numbers. The results were to printed using fprintf and using the display command. The fprintf command I have printed the results fine. I then set a variable equal to the fprintf command and entered disp(variable).It displays everything fine except at the end it displays a number 192 is there a way to suppress that number at the end any help would be appreciated.
I actually figured out that variable named after the fprintf command was wrong. So I entered disp(F') with F being the fibonacci function it displays the ans. in a column like I wanted. But I also wnat to print F(0) through F(15) in front of the answer on the display command. Here is my code so far.
n=(0:1:15); F=1/sqrt(5)*[((1+sqrt(5))/2).^n-((1-sqrt(5))/2).^n];
fprintf('F(%2.0f)=% -5.0f\n',[n;F]);
disp(' ')
disp(' ')
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Use sprintf() instead of fprintf(). sprintf() returns the string, but fprintf() does the printing and then returns the number of characters output.