MATLAB: Using tall arrays without parallel computing toolbox

big datalicense errorMATLABparallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxtall arrays

I am using tall arrays to read in a large dataset in MATLAB. When I call the tall() function, it automatically tries to start a parallel pool, for example:
A = [2,1;1,3];
B = tall(A);
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ...
But there is some issue with my parallel computing toolbox license, so this causes MATLAB to crash. Is there some way I can use tall arrays without starting a parallel pool? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

If you want to turn off automatically opening a parallel pool, change your parallel preferences. If you turn off the Automatically create a parallel pool option, then you must explicitly start a pool if you want the tall function to use it for parallel processing. See Specify Your Parallel Preferences.
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