MATLAB: Using symbolic calculus on char strings (coming from a file)

char stringMATLABsymbolic

Hello, I'm currently using str2sym on char strings obtained from fgetl on a text file containing many lines of mathematical expressions that don't use Matlab syntax. More precisely, I perform some simple manipulations on those raw text strings (using regexprep for example), then I convert them using str2sym to make some simplifications, and I finally need to convert back the symbolic expressions to standard char strings in order to write them on a .m file (for later use). Two problems arise :
  • a warning arises when using str2sym ;
  • I don't know how to convert back the symbolic expressions to standard char strings
Can somebody help me ? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Thank you for your answer ; a warning when using str2sym could mean that this function will be removed in a future version ? However, I think the question can be closed now ...