MATLAB: Using switch-case. Return to beginning of switch-case statement


Essentially, I'd like the user to input a number 0-3.
A = input ('Enter a number (0-3)');
switch A case 0 %Do something case 1 %Do something else case 2 %Do something else case 3 %Do something else otherwise %Invalid number.
So, in the otherwise statement, how would I go about returning to the beginning of the switch? So that one would not have to run the program again?

Best Answer

You don't even need otherwise ..
isOk = false ;
while ~isOk
A = input ('Enter a number (0-3)');
switch A
case 0
isOk = true ;
% do something..

case 1
isOk = true ;
% do something..
case 2
isOk = true ;
% do something..