MATLAB: Using struct as a reduction variable in parfor loop

Parallel Computing Toolboxparforstruct

I have a code which, simply put, runs in the following way
%Previous code from which the structs p, a, fa, s are initialized. The struct s contains arrays and vectors.
loop_p = p;
loop_a = a;
loop_s = s;
parfor i_iter = 1:500
a = loop_a;
p = loop_p;
s = loop_s;
for t = 1:1000
%Code which updates a, p, fa, s at each time step. This is essentially a sequential process.
The struct s is needed for post-iteration analysis. I'm stuck at using a reduction variable which will help me accumulate arrays in s and output them. I can't seem to use other structs or cells to accumulate these arrays. Would the only way be to have different variables for each field of the struct and have the arrays from the structs accumulated over iterations in these variables?

Best Answer

Basic Rules for Reduction Variables
Required (static): You cannot index or subscript a reduction variable.
The example showing something invalid is a struct field access, so the documentation explicitly rules out using a struct field as a reduction variable.