MATLAB: Using strcmp with multiple inputs

cell matrixinputsMATLABmultiple inputsnoobstrcmp

Hello everyone,
I have a question, I want to use strcmp but for multiple inputs. For example if this row contain THIS or THAT.
This is what I'm using
B = find(strcmp(rw(:,3),' Dr limited' ));
what I want
B = find(strcmp(rw(:,3),'Dr limited' | 'Dr Limited' ));
because sometimes it can be a capital or the last name changes. So I want to know if I can put all the possibilities and get where to find them. Or even put the word 'Dr' the get the locations.
Thank You!

Best Answer

You could use strfind or a regular expression to help you, e.g.:
>> ixc = cellfun(@ischar,rw(:,3));
>> ixc(ixc) = ~cellfun('isempty',regexpi(rw(ixc,3),'Boskalis','once'));
>> idx = find(ixc)
idx =