MATLAB: Using spline fit for different time graphs

plottingspline fit

Hey, in the experiment we used motion and force sensors to take data. So ploting F-t and x-t is very easy but i dont know how to plot F-x.The problem is times are different in each data so i cant just make a force-position data. The teacher said ''You need to correlate the two arrays using time.However, the time when F and X are measured might be different. Use a spline fit.'' however im new to matlab so i don't know what to do. Can someone explain it to me how can i plot the F-x ? i will attach the datas just in case you want to see.

Best Answer

If (tF,F) and (tx,x) are the column vectors in your above files, you can plot F versus x by
Fq = interp1(tF,F,tq);
xq = interp1(tx,x,tq);
Best wishes
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