MATLAB: Using simulink or simscape

circuit simulationSimscapeSimscape Electricalsimulink

Hi people,
quick question:
using simulink I found I am able to draw circuits both using "simulink" components (Power system library) and using "simscape" components (those drawed in blue).
So far (but I begun using these features just a couple of days ago) I don't understand the differences using one set of components instead of the other.
Could someone explain to me why I should prefer one over the other?
Thank you 🙂

Best Answer

Hello Chris,
Not sure which verison of MATLAB you are using.
This is due to Power electronics library would have been developed before the Simscape libraries.. Simscape contains all the component simulation libraries under one umbrella.( fluid, power systems, multibody, electronics.)
I suggest to use that's the future version will concentrate on.
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