MATLAB: Using “print” with no desktop


I've got code that runs every hour and updates a graph. Using the print function, it creates a graph and saves it as a .jpg. However, the resolution is very low. When I run the code manually, it creates and saves the .jpg exactly as I want it. But when I am logged out (and the desktop is not available to MATLAB), the image created is poor quality. Here's my code for saving the plot:
print -djpeg birdmet.jpg -r100
set(gcf, 'Color', 'white'); % white bckgr
I also have a .csh script to run my code, maybe it's the cause of the problem?:
#! /bin/csh
matlab -nodesktop -r "run /home/mmateling/realtime/capebird.m"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Did you try to set the size of the figure explicitly?
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