MATLAB: Using Pretty with R2011a


I have R12.1, R2011a and b in the Windows 7 environment. I do not use R2011b because it has a problem with soundsc. When I use the pretty command in the symbolic toolbox with R2011a the display is all out of whack and is basically useless. I have to use R12.1 (Matlab 6.1) with pretty if I want something intelligible. Has anyone else noticed this problem with R2011a?

Best Answer

Hmm, is definitely not related to R2011b, I have checked the following on all Ver R2010a,b, R 2011a,b and R 2012a on both windows 7 and MAC and the outputs are all clear correct. Might have some problem in the MATLAB installation. I would suggest contacting support..
FYI the following output is directly from Win 7 R2011b (All others were identical)
>> A = sym(pascal(2))
B = eig(A)
A =
[ 1, 1]
[ 1, 2]
B =
3/2 - 5^(1/2)/2
5^(1/2)/2 + 3/2
+- -+
| 1/2 |
| 5 |
| 3/2 - ---- |
| 2 |
| |
| 1/2 |
| 5 |
| ---- + 3/2 |
| 2 |
+- -+