MATLAB: Using predefined string for savefig

"undefined function or method 'savefig' for input arguments of type 'cell'.""undefined function or method 'savefig' for input arguments of type 'char'."savefig

Im new to matlab so sorry about this.
I am trying to save a figure within a subroutine. The string to be used in the file name already exists. I know i could simply type it in but the filename depends on the parameters used in the particular data set; and there are 150 data sets.
the comands are as follows
fileparams = ['50psi_10A_Sawtooth_05Hz']
I get an error: "Undefined function or method 'savefig' for input arguments of type 'char'."
I have tried changing it to a cell string array and i get: "Undefined function or method 'savefig' for input arguments of type 'cell'."
How can i resolve this?

Best Answer

fileparams = ['50psi_10A_Sawtooth_05Hz']
filename = [fileparams '.fig']