MATLAB: Using plot w/ n=3 y axes


Hello- I have three samples of sensors data that I wish to plot on the same graph. Both data columns use the same x values (5 minutes interval from 00:00 to 23:55). Assuming the data was imported:
sun = importfile_sun3('sun.csv', 2, 289);
sun.LocalTime=datetime(sun.LocalTime,'InputFormat','MM/dd/yy HH:mm');
when I use plotyy it plots only two, I am looking for something that can accommodate three or more dimensions. I found the two links below from another thread but the link is not available for sometime plotyyy
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you,

Best Answer

You don't show the pertinent issue of the plotyy call you use but
hAx=plotyy(x, y1, x, [y2 y3]);
will put the first on the LH axes and the other to on the right. Of course, you don't need the temporary variables at all, either...
does the same thing with the original variables. Salt to suit re: "who's on first", etc., etc., as far as which quantities go where, of course...
ERRATUM Dang keyboard! Typed what I wrote instead of what I meant! :( I missed the second 'x' in the variable list, sorry. Corrected above (although I see you did find it, too).