MATLAB: Using perfcurve with neural network

classificationneural network

As a matter of fact, I want to use neural network in order to do classification (patternnet). Unfortunately, I have some problems in applying the "perfcurve" function because I do not know how to extract "scores". Therefore, I would be appreciated if you could let me know how I should get the "scores".
[Xpr,Ypr,Tpr,AUCpr] = perfcurve(targets, scores);

Best Answer

Currently, I cannot help because I have never encountered this function. When I get time I will consult the documentation using the commands
help perfcurve
doc perfcurve
type perfcurve
search both the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS for relevant posts.
Meanwhile, you should do the same. I suspect that you will find your answer before I can.
Hope this helps.