MATLAB: Using only “eye” and “zeros” …


I'm doing some unsolved exercises I've been assigned and there is this one that I can't seem to find the answer to (teacher is unavailable so I can't ask him).
I need to obtain the following matrix by only adding matrices made with the commands "eye" and "zeros". That's all it says. This is the matrix I need to obtain:
2 1 0
0 2 1
0 0 2
And needs to be for NxN (any square dimension). Is this really possible? Thanks.

Best Answer

Definitely possible.
Since this is a homework exercise, I'll just give you one small hint, which might get you unstuck.
To access a portion of a matrix (for example just the upper left part), you can use this syntax:
A = zeros(5,5);
A(1:3,1:3) = magic(3);
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