MATLAB: Using Nx1 vector as index to extract values from an NxM matrix and create an Nx1 vector

extractionindex vectorindexing

Hi. I will try to explain my title:
I have an NxM matrix, e. g.
M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
and an Nx1 index vector, e. g.
I = [2; 3; 1];
I would like to create a vector V using I as an index for M to extract values from M so that
V(i) = M(i,I(i))
without using a loop, if possible.
So the resulting vector V in this example would result as:
V = [2; 6; 7];
Thanks for any help or hints!

Best Answer

Use the sub2ind function to create a linear index:
M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
I = [2; 3; 1];
J = sub2ind(size(M), [1:3]', I);
V = M(J)
V =