MATLAB: Using MySql- Select


I have a problem at this line:
['select count(*) from gene_threepoints where Window_size=30 and leftSeq>= ''',x(1),''' and leftSeq< ''',x+jump,''' and middleSeq>= ''',y,''' and middleSeq< ''',y+jump,''' and rightSeq>= ''',z,''' and rightSeq< ''',z+jump,''' and GENE_id= ''' ,num2str(GENE_id_Array{Loop}),'''']
When I enter this line in the workspace, I get null at the x,y,z values. (This line is inside a triple for of x,y,z).
like this:
select count(*) from gene_threepoints where Window_size=30 and leftSeq>= ' ' and leftSeq< '
' and middleSeq>= ' ' and middleSeq< '
' and rightSeq>= ' ' and rightSeq< '
' and GENE_id= '112'
Windows_size, leftSeq, middleSeq ,rightSeq and GENE_id are columns in the database
What is the mistake?
Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

I suggest rewriting it using sprintf:
sprintf('select count(*) from gene_threepoints where Window_size=30 and leftSeq>=%d and leftSeq<=%d and middleSeq>=%d and middleSeq<%d and rightSeq>=%d and rightSeq<%d and GENE_ID=''%d''', x(1), x+jump, y, y+jump, z, z+jump, GENE_id_Array{Loop})
Caution: you used x(1) which most people would interpret as indicating that you expect x to have more than one element, and they would then wonder whether x+jump is going to be correct there.
Your essential problem is that x and so on are numeric, and you are concatenating those numeric values on to a string without having converted the numeric values to string.