MATLAB: Using multiple Event Listener

event listener

I've created a Simulink file which contains ~5 blocks with permanently changing data. Now, I'd like to create an event listener for each block.
I've generated the following code for each block's startfcn:
%The GUI handles are by default hidden, turn them on

%Set up the arguments that will go into the block event callback listener

blk_SpO2 = 'Parameter_Final/SpO2';
event = 'PostOutputs';
listener = @Gruppeneinteilung;
%Create the listener

h = add_exec_event_listener(blk_SpO2, event, listener);
%The GUI handles are by default hidden, turn them on
%Set up the arguments that will go into the block event callback listener
blk_BD = 'Parameter_Final/BD';
event = 'PostOutputs';
listener = @Gruppeneinteilung;
%Create the listener
h = add_exec_event_listener(blk_BD, event, listener);
My problem is, Simulink only creates a listener for one of the 5 blocks. If I delete that block another one will have a listener and so on. But I'm not able to execute all these listeners at the same time.
Is there anyone who can help me?
greetings, franzi

Best Answer

I think the listeners you create with add_exec_event_listener are similar to the listeners you create with addlistener in MATLAB. I think you want the equvilent of the listeners you get with event.listener in MATLAB. The difference being that the listener h that you are creating gets deleted when you overwrite h, but adding your second listener. I think you need to make h an array
h(1) = add_exec_event_listener(blk_SpO2, event, listener);
h(2) = add_exec_event_listener(blk_BD, event, listener);