MATLAB: Using mp3write


I have used mp3write with success often in the past but lately I am getting "clipping" errors.
Here is a typical session:
>> mp3write(y,Fs,16,'BuiltUpWave',1);
Warning: Data clipped during write to file:temp.wav
> In wavwrite>PCM_Quantize at 287
In wavwrite>write_wavedat at 309
In wavwrite at 138
In mp3write at 53
Can't init outfile 'c:\matlab6p1\apps\musicalsoundanalysis\matfilesmusicwaves\BuiltUpWave.mp3'
happens to be the current folder and the variables involved are:
>> whos y Fs
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Fs 1x1 8 double
y 1x33075 264600 double
Can anyone show me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

Best Answer

The warning comes from the standard MATLAB function wavwrite. Given some other questions on Answers, I think wavwrite may have changed its behavior recently (although I haven't checked). Basically, a vector that has a +1 value will be clipped (by a single quantization unit). My guess is that mp3write is scaling things to be +/-1 and that this causes the clipping warning.
As a work around on line 53 (according to your error message) should be a line like
wavwrite(x, ...);
you can replace this with.
wavwrite(0.99*x, ...);
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