MATLAB: Using Matlab in exam conditions – how can I block student access to file system and internet

examinationlimited accesslimited featuresMATLAB

We are planning an online exam for engineering students. The university has a secure browser that blocks most things automatically. However, I would like my students to be able to use Matlab for some simple functions (e.g. probability density and eigenvalue calculations). Since Matlab has extensive features for editing files and accessing network, this might compromise examination conditions (e.g. students could open pre-prepared scripts and text files with information etc). Is there a way to allow students use Matlab with reduced features?
Regards Lana

Best Answer

Although this is almost certainly a lot more work than you are bargaining for, I could imagine deploying a GUI (possibly via MATLAB Compiler) that operationalizes only a handful of functions that you want your students to be able to use.