MATLAB: Using lsqlin when you have a large matrix


Can someone please tell me how to correct the following code.
x = [yt,r];
a = eye(2);
b = zeros(2,1);
opts = optimset('lsqlin');
opts.LargeScale = 'off';
opts.Display = 'none';
coef = lsqlin(x,yt2,-a,-b);
My x is a 1000*2 matrix. so i get an error. I read the help for that but couldn't understand it clearly.

Best Answer

I don't think there is anything wrong with this code, except LSQNONNEG would be easier.
coef = lsqlin(x,yt2,-a,-b);
is the same as
coef = lsqnonneg(x,yt2);
When I run your core, I don't get any errors at all. I just get
coef =
Which I have no reason to doubt is a valid answer.
Are you perhaps referring to the warning that comes up regarding the solver?