MATLAB: Using loglog for plotting a logarithmic graph


Part of my 2 part assignment is to complete a loglog graph plot of a certain function, and it happens to be a complicated function;
And the x values I have to plot the function against the x values is in the range of x=10-19700.
The code I have written so far is:
>> x = 10:19700
>> loglog([x],[96818.90647*sqrt(55327.86446+((19.62x)/25.88677539))*log(1+(x/73000))])
But MatLab keeps giving me the unexpected Matlab expression – is there anything that I am doing wrong with my code so far?
All I am trying to do is plot a graph of these x values against the function, and I am very new to Matlab – so any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
– Viran

Best Answer

You have to use element wise operator ( . before any operator sign) :
x = 10:19700;
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