MATLAB: Using inputname and varargin for dynamic variable creation (?)


Despite my best programming habits, and in an effort to make my code more modular, I use a couple of places varargin.
Of course, the inputs can vary between each use and I check the names of the variables using inputname() and then load from a .mat file any variables that were not passed in but are needed for the code to run.
But now, I need to use the variables that were passed in that are currently lying in varargin{} — and I need those variable names to be named with what is in inputname{:}…e.g inputname{1}=varargin{1}. I think I could do this with an eval(), but I know that is frowned upon.
I know that [var1, var2, var3]=varargin{:} would work, but the names i need the variables to be called are in inputnams(), and I can't think of how to get this to work.
Is there a good way to get the contents of varargin{} out and into named variables that then lay in the stack?

Best Answer

A couple of options that I can think of:
1. Use assignin. But as you may know, assignin would only allow you to assign to the caller or base workspace. So you can create a function like below, and then call it
assign(inputname(1), varargin{1}).
function assign(varName, varVal)
assignin('caller', varName, varVal);
2. Use a structure:
for id = 1:nargin
myVar.(inputname(id)) = varargin{id};
And change your code so that it uses myVar instead of individual variables.