MATLAB: Using imaqtool how can I capture Kinect V2 depth images at 10 fps

depth dataImage Acquisition Toolboximaqtoolkinect v2

Hello, I'm hoping some one could point me in the right direction.
I need to collect depth data images from the Kinect V2 at a specific frame rate (10 fames per second). I would like to output these files as png files to analyse the depth data and would need to capture the frame number and time with each image.
I've seen suggestions of using a "call back function" to support the output.
ANy help woul dbe appreciated.

Best Answer

Create a timer object with a timer period of 1/10 seconds, and each time the timer callback fires, do a peekdata() on the kinect object.
This is the only way I can see at the moment to be able to specify your own frame timing.