MATLAB: Using grabit with log scales


I have used 'grabit' from the matlab file exchange, to extract the data from a published graph to compare with my own data.
The graph I am using has log scales on both the X and Y axis (pic attached). I have managed to recreate this in MATLAB with a linear scale (pic attached). Is there a way to get this back to a log scale to compare with my data properly?

Best Answer

There is not any support for image with log-scale in GRABIT yet. However, as a workaround you could do the following.
For this particular image, in GRABIT, set the origin of the x-axis as 1 ( for 10^1) and the max of x-axis as 5 (for 10^5). Similarly for y-axis, set the origin as -2 ( for 10^-2) and the max of y-axis as 1 (for 10^1). After getting the points, you could do the following to get the same plot on a log-scale:
x = Data001(:,1);
y = Data001(:,2);
% convert the points to linear-scale
x = 10.^x;
y = 10.^y;
% plotting the points on the log-scale