MATLAB: Using fullfile when you need to pass a string as an input argument with readable TreatAsEmpty

fulfil with string inputfullfilereadtabletreatasempty

I have a folder of files which have strings as headers and when there are fields which the measuring system could not measure it fills those fields with a string ('UND. -62011'), I have been using
Folder_used = dir('/Users/username/Desktop/data/*.txt');
files = Folder_used;
for k=1:numel(files)
'Delimiter','tab','TreatAsEmpty',["UND. -60001","UND. -2011","UND. -62011"]);
%do stuff
which works fine. When I want to put this in a standalone app I have a problem. I need to use fullfile to pass the location of the directory and then have the user select the folder, then combine them
i assign the directory as A1 having after having converted it to a string
for k=1:numel(files)
'TreatAsEmpty',{'UND. -60001','UND. -2011','UND. -62011'});
but get the error
*Error using fullfile (line 51) String input not supported.
Error in tool/rows3d_Callback (line 157) full_name=fullfile(A1,files(k).name)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.*||||
Is there a way to use/get around the read table TreatAsEmpty argument with a string input and use fullfile?
Best regards,

Best Answer

The problem is here:
i assign the directory as A1 having after having converted it to a string
You did not provide the code you use for this. But the error message is clear: fullfile requires a char vector, not a modern string object.
Folder = '/Users/username/Desktop/data/'; % As char vector, not as string
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.txt'));
for k = 1:numel(FileList)
File = fullfile(Folder, files(k).name);
data = readtable(File, 'FileType', 'text', ...
'Delimiter','tab','TreatAsEmpty', ...
{'UND. -60001', 'UND. -2011', 'UND. -62011'});
%do stuff
In modern Matlab version the folder is replied by dir also. Then this works also:
File = fullfile(files(k).folder, files(k).name);
Is there a way to use/get around the read table TreatAsEmpty argument
with a string input and use fullfile?
Neither readtable nor the 'TreatAsEmpty' argument has been the problem, but exactly as the error message told you, only the input argument of fullfile.