MATLAB: Using fsolve with multiple unknowns

fsolvefunction handlesymbolic

I'm trying to solve a system of 2 non-linear equations using fsolve with 2 uknowns.
Something like
F = @(x,y)[equation 1; equation2];
x0 = [x1,x1];
y0 = [y1,y1];
[x,y] = fsolve(F,x0,y0);
I'm familiar with using fsolve with one unknown, but unsure on the syntax for a problem like this.

Best Answer

...but unsure on the syntax for a problem like this.
The syntax does not change. It is simply that your equation expressions will be functions of a vector variable z instead of a scalar.
F = @(z)[z(1)+z(2); 2*Z(1)+z(2)^2];
[x,y] = fsolve(F,[z1,z2]);