MATLAB: Using for loop to match generated random numbers to an input value

for loopfunctionif statementprompts

Hi, I want to write a script which will prompt the user for minimum and maximum integers, and then another integer which is the user’s choice in the range from the minimum to the maximum. I then want the srcipt to generate random integers in the range from the minimum to the maximum until a match for the user’s choice is generated and print how many random integers had to be generated until a match for the user’s choice was found.
I am confused as to how to identify n, which is the number of iterations. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! This is my script so far:
function findmine
imin=input('Please enter your minimum value: ');
imax=input('Please enter your maximum value: ');
choice=input('Now enter your choice in this range: ');
% n=number of attempts
for i=1:n
x(i)=randi([imin imax]);
if x(i)==choice
formatSpec='It took %d tries to get your number\n';

Best Answer

Since you don't know ahead of time how many tries it will take, this is best done with a while loop instead of a for loop. E.g.,
n = 0;
while( true )
x=randi([imin imax]);
n = n + 1;
And when you get a match, use a break statement to get out of the while loop.