MATLAB: Using for loop to load multiple mat files of same names

fftfor loopMATLABSignal Processing Toolbox

Hi everyone,
can amyone please help on the following :
I have a folder contains mualiple matfiles C1,C2,C3,C4…..C20.
1- I want to load all these files using for loop . All the files has the same matrix name (data) .. Then i want to claculate the absolute FFT for every single subject as follow:
Y= abs(fft(data));
2- i want to save the result of file 1 with Y1, and file 2 with Y2 and so on till C20 named with Y20.
is there any way I can do it?
Any help will be highly apperciated .

Best Answer

Try something like this:
N = 20;
D = 'path to the folder where the files are saved';
for k = 1:N
F = fullfile(D,sprintf('C%d.mat',k));
S = load(F);
Y = abs(fft(;
F = fullfile(D,sprintf('Y%d.mat',k));