MATLAB: Using “find” for finding decimal values


I use the matlab command importdata:
X = importdata('filename.csv');
to read in a csv file with three columns.
Now, for finding a specific values in the matrix X, I simple use the find command as follows:
idx = find(X(:,1 ) == 17)
But, the same seems not to be possible for decimal numbers. This for instance would not work:
idx = find(X(:,1 ) == 17.9203)
even though 17.9203 is to be found in the original csv file. What is the problem and what can I do?

Best Answer

MiauMiau, the numbers you are looking for are obviously different from the short format you see. Do this:
[~,idx] = min(abs(X(:,1) - 6.0018));
Y = X(idx,1);
[~,idx] = min(abs(X(:,1) - 17.9203));
fprintf('%15.15f %15.15f\n',Y,X(idx,1))
And show us the ouput in a comment on this answer, don't add another answer!
I have a feeling you will need to set your tolerance much higher, like 10^-4.