MATLAB: Using Export_fig to save a plot as it’s original file name


So I'm trying to automate the saving of my plots with export_fig, but in my script i have declared a global variable as the file name (ex. plot title).
my code for the global variable looks like this:
% creates the global variable
global file_to_get;
% used to select the file path needed for uiimport
file_to_get = uigetfile({'*.csv*'}, 'Select the CSV File', 'file path');
Is there a way to use export_fig to save my plots as the file_to_get name? and then is there a way to add something to that title, for example file_to_get plot.jpg.

Best Answer

outfilename = regexprep(file_to_get, '.csv', ' plot.jpg');
export_fig(outfilename, ....)