MATLAB: Using dynamic workspace arrays as Matlab function input/output


Hey there,
i want to create a Simulink model, where the following happens:
  1. Based on Simulink signal values as input, an array of possible responses shall be created/extended in Matlab base workspace. If the input signals do not change in between simulation steps, the array shall not be extended.
  2. After that, a separate Matlab function Block should choose values from this array, process them and create Simulink output values. The values, which were used to generate the output values shall be removed from the list (or marked as used)
So far, I have created a Matlab function block, which takes the simulink signal, as well as a constant, which points to the list in the Matlab workspace, as input. And outputs the updated list. How can i write the updated list in the workspace?

Best Answer

  1. Use vector signal between part 1 and part 2. No need to use memory block. Use Unit delay to resolve algebric loop if needed.
  2. Use global variable if don't want to bother the signal interface. See
  3. variable-size signal is supported