MATLAB: Using dir to read in complex valued array.

complex valuesdir

I'm trying to write a script general enough to read complex valued data from a varying number of .csv files. I've been using dir for this, but this seems to only pull in the real values from the file. Is there some way to get both the real and imaginary values with dir or should I be using a different function? Here is the code:
fnames = dir(['Received_Signals\Gain\',gain_directory,'\*.csv']);
numfids = length(fnames);
vals = cell(1,numfids);
for k = 1:numfids
vals{k} = load(fnames(k).name);
for ig = 1: indep_gain_ct
if ig == 1
GHP_read = vals{1};
GHT_read = vals{2};
GVP_read = vals{3};
GVT_read = vals{4};
GHP_read = cat(3,GHP_read,vals{1+4*(ig-1)});
GHT_read = cat(3,GHT_read,vals{2+4*(ig-1)});
GVP_read = cat(3,GVP_read,vals{3+4*(ig-1)});
GVT_read = cat(3,GVT_read,vals{4+4*(ig-1)});
end % if ig
end % for ig

Best Answer

I doubt dir is the problem, since it’s just providing you with the file names.
We don’t have a sample file to experiment with, so it’s possible that using the load function is the problem. Experiment with csvread and xlsread to see if they work.
This is a pure guess. I’m not certain what the problem is.
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