MATLAB: Using dir command but the files can not be returned


After running the code, fileNames1 has not been showing in Workspace (neither name nor value) and there is no error in the first line. However, it gives an error while executing the second line "Undefined function or variable 'numGM'.
FIRST LINE: fileNames1 = dir ('./GMdata/GMsDir/*hc.txt');
SECOND LINE: numGM=length(fileNames1);

Best Answer

In line 2 you define
numGM = length(fileNames1)
and in line 196 the variable numGM does not exist anymore. This can have different reasons. Either these are two different functions. Or there is a clear numGM anywhere, or even worse a clear all, perhaps in a called script. Without seeing the relevant code, there is no chance to guess, what happens. But you can examine this in detail using the debugger:
Set a breakpoint in the code and step through the program line by line. Check the existence of the vanishing variable to narrow down, where this happens. The debugger is the programmer's best friend.