MATLAB: Using Custom Arduino Library when there are multiple Arduino source and header files


I'm trying to use Matlab to control an Arduino board. I've looked at both examples ('HelloWorld' and 'LCD'). They work fine.
However, I have a project that has multiple header files and Arduino c++ code. The 'LCD' example shows how to override the ArduinoLibraryHeaderFiles parameter to add the 3P source LuquidCrystal.h:
ArduinoLibraryHeaderFiles = 'LiquidCrystal/LiquidCrystal.h'
However, when I do something similar with my own header file, I get an error message:
The Arduino source 'ExampleAddon/torque_lookup.h' for libraries 'ExampleAddon/TorqueTester'
cannot be found. Install the 3P library source first and try again.
Well, that's not completely surprising–I'm not trying to install a 3P library, I'm just trying to get a first party header file to be included.
I'm running out of things to try. I could, I suppose, try to concatenate all my Arduino source files and header files into a single massive header file, but that's both clumsy and poor coding practice.

Best Answer

I feel a little bit like an idiot.
The problem was that I was putting the additional source files in the +ExampleAddon directory. If the additional Arduino files are put in the +ExampleAddon/src directory, MatLab finds them just fine.
Sorry for the churn.
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