MATLAB: Using characters for indexing in 2019b


I am new to programming and was wondering how one would use text to input indexes for a matrix.
For example: I have this:
charr1 = ':,:,1,1,1,1,1,1';
XX = GridDo(XXInd);
and I want my output to use the indexing of charr1 to look like this:
XX = GridDo(:,:,1,1,1,1,1,1);
So that I can further automate my code.

Best Answer

charr1 = ':,:,1,1,1,1,1,1';
ix1 = regexp(charr1, '\,','split');
ix2 = str2double(ix1);
ix1(~isnan(ix2)) = num2cell(ix2(~isnan(ix2)));
XX = GridDo(ix1{:})