MATLAB: Using cellfun and regexp question


I have a cell called storedSamplerates = 1X9;
Each cell has a string ex:
storedSamplerates{1} = 'SAMPLERATE: 50000'
storedSamplerates{2} = 'samplerate:200000'
I am trying to remove the 'SAMPLERATE:' and 'samplerate:' portion of the cells regardless of case, so only the number is left. I can successfully use regexp with 'ignorecase', to remove this in a loop with:
sampleRates = regexp(storedSamplerates{i},'(\d+)','match','ignorecase');
So that im only left with numbers.
sampleRates{1} = '50000';
sampleRates{2} = '200000'
But I wanted to try using cellfun to have simpler code and have failed:
sampleRates(cellfun(@(x) regexp(x ,'(\d+)','match','ignorecase'),storedSamplerates));
Using cellfun and regexp seems possible,I just dont know where im messing up?

Best Answer

I think this does what you want.
storedSamplerates{1} = 'SAMPLERATE: 50000';
storedSamplerates{2} = 'samplerate:200000';