MATLAB: Using Branch and Bound Algorithm to solve Discrete Binary Quadratic Programming (QP) problem

discrete binary quadratic programming problem

Dear all,
Can I use the branch and bound algorithm to solve my problem ((Discrete Binary Quadratic Programming (QP) problem)) in Matlab, if yes, what is the name of function (solver) that I can use in Matlab??
if no, Does GA is an effective algorithm that can I use to solve my problem?
please send me useful documentation for this

Best Answer

Can I use the branch and bound algorithm to solve my problem ((Discrete Binary Quadratic Programming (QP) problem)) in Matlab
No, except in the special case where your QP is also an LP. In that case, use intlinprog.
if no, Does GA is an effective algorithm that can I use to solve my problem?
The only way to find out is to try.