MATLAB: Using assumptions while curve fitting

assumptionscurve fittingCurve Fitting Toolbox

Hello all,
I have a simple (I think!) question. I have an xy data set that I need to fit to a custom equation. x values range from 0 to 500 (they are concentrations, so negative values are unphysical/nonsensical), y values range from ~135 to 260.
The issue is this. The custom equation I need is a hyperbola. For x>0 the hyperbola the curve fitting tool solves for is excellent. However, I am left (in the curve fitting window) with a chunk of the hyperbola that is also for x<0. This piece of the function, which is nowhere near a data point, seems to be leading to an artificially low R^2 and other goodness-of-fit statistics.
Can I build an assumption into the curve fitting tool or command line fitting procedure where my custom equation assumes x>=0 and so yields reasonable goodness-of-fit values?
Thank you sincerely for any assistance you can provide!

Best Answer

Curve fitting tools will fit the equation you are trying to model. This equation may very well only be called for values of x < 0.
Since R^2 is computed purely by using your data - which I assume does not have x < 0 values, then what you see there is a purely visual artifact. You can continue to use the fitted model for your x > 0 only.
If this does not help, could you provide details on what is the exact equation you are trying to fit as well as how the data looks.