MATLAB: Using assignin in GUIDE

assignin guiMATLAB

Hello everybody,
I've got a problem in which I want to generate variables of a structure I've got a structure called newData which consists of data, given by the matrix 'data' and the imported text in the cell called 'textdata'. I want to seperate the two variable in the structure. Before I used the following code
newData = importdata(file, ' ', 6); %imports data
% Create new variables in the base workspace from those fields.
vars = fieldnames(newData); % which are 'data' and 'textdata'
for i = 1:length(vars)
%this should create the variables 'data' and 'texdata'
assignin('base', vars{i}, newData.(vars{i}));
%which results in an error, as 'textdata' is not created by the assignin.
headers = char(textdata(6,:));
The error is generated by the fact that apparently, the variables data and textdata are not created (or not created in the right workspace) and consequently matlab cannot find these variables in further calculations (in this case the creation of headers cannot be executed, since 'textdata' is unknown.)
I used this piece before in a single m-file, and this worked perfect, But now I'm incorporating this in a GUI, so i need to use this within a function, which results in errors. I've also tried to write this piece in a different function m-file, which yields the same results. Basically, the problem is: how to use assignin within a (GUI) function, or perform the same action without using assignin?
I hope the problem is clear, and you guys can help me out.

Best Answer

Please consider the alternatives to using the base workspace: